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Juan R. Abascal

Juan R. Abascal, a graduate of Rutgers University and Kent State University, is a Clinical Psychologist and Professor Emeritus of Psychology at Miami Dade College. He was awarded an Endowed Teaching Chair and has received NISOD’s Excellence Award. Dr. Abascal was also honored with the Service Learning Professor of the Year Award. As a graduate of the Salzburg International Education Institute, Dr. Abascal has been involved in the Global Education Initiative, as well as the Earth Ethics Institute. He has served as a Department Chairperson, Associate Dean, Academic Dean, and Associate Provost for Academic Affairs. Dr. Abascal and Dr. Brucato have conducted numerous seminars on effective teaching, personal effectiveness, and stress mastery. They have co-authored two books: Essential Elements for Effectiveness – Optimal Functioning Through Positive Psychology and Stress Mastery – The Art of Coping Gracefully.  He is a co-founder of MindWorks International, Inc., a creative performance consulting firm focused on optimal functioning, effective teaching, and transformational leadership in institutions of higher learning.